Home Remodeling The Greener Way

Home Remodeling The Greener Way

Residents in California have been implementing home remodeling strategies that would allow them to make a more positive impact on the environment before, during and after residential projects. For those who may be interested in carrying out home remodeling projects in a ‘greener’ more environmentally friendly manner here are a few tips homeowners or prospective homeowners can utilize to reduce wastage and reuse materials once remodeling projects get started.

Home Remodeling Practices for Green Living

Home Remodeling

  • Avoid using wasteful building materials – As a result of short lifespans and limited ability to be reused or recycled certain materials such as carpet, shingle roofing or sheetrock can account for a very high percentage of construction waste sent to landfills each year. So when remodeling avoid using these materials and opt for a more durable eco-friendly alternatives instead.
  • Reuse materials in excellent condition –  Adopting this strategy can save you tons of money.  This will prevent you from buying unnecessarily as well as reduce the level of cost overruns that can occur. Lumber, trimmings, doors and windows can all be reused if they are in exceptional condition and are removed with care.
  • Recycle construction waste – Up to 85 percent of the construction and deconstruction waste sent to landfills annually can be reused in some way or another. There are professional junk removal companies that can be contracted to come in and manage the removal, transport and recycling of waste for you. Some of them even pay to remove waste materials so not only will you be doing right by the environment but you could also make some extra cash while doing so.
  • Purchase materials manufactured with recycled content – Most building materials that can be purchased contain recyclable content including: cellulose insulation made from recycled paper and cardboard, recycled content ceramic tiles, recycled content carpet, recycled content shingle roofing and recycled content plastic lumber for decks and porches. Opting to purchase such materials helps to reduce the volume of construction waste that ends up in landfills. Doing this will also help to reduce overall energy consumption which permits less greenhouse emissions since these products require less energy to manufacture.

When embarking on home remodeling projects, using these insightful tips can help to guide you toward using more environmentally friendly alternatives. Make a wholesome and positive impact on the environment.  Contact us today!


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